Protection ritual

To perform any protection ritual, there are favorable conditions. Whenever a ritual is presented to you, always consider adapting it so that it makes sense for you; these are recommendations given to you, not dogma! It’s a framework to guide you, but you can step outside of it.

Protection ritual

The best time to perform it is on a Tuesday during the full moon cycle, as this period enhances the success of protection rituals. As with any ritual, perform it in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Remember that any incantations should be spoken clearly with a positive mindset.

Before starting any ritual, I recommend meditating to clear your mind of negative or distracting thoughts and focus on the ritual ahead. Take time to breathe deeply to relax your body.

Depending on your beliefs or traditions, create a circle for your ritual (we promise to write an article on this topic soon!).

Before conducting a protection ritual, consider purifying either the object to be protected, the space, or yourself… A purification ritual is suggested in this article.

Why perform a protection ritual?

A protection ritual can be requested for various purposes:

  • Protecting oneself
  • Protecting another person
  • Protecting a place
  • Protecting an object

It can help us harmonize our lives and manage energies that may interfere with us or a place.

It’s a highly sought-after ritual, often driven by the need to protect oneself, especially for highly sensitive individuals with strong empathy who are sensitive to energies. It’s also common among practitioners of Wiccan rituals, witchcraft, or shamanic journeys.

Protection of a place

The use of salt is widely recognized and not just a myth! Salt is a precious magical tool that can assist in various practices, including protection.

I encourage you to use sea salt, which you can easily find in stores, or if available, mountain salt (such as Himalayan salt).

Protection of a place

This ritual will allow you to create a barrier of protection from the external environment (people, noises, pollution, etc.).

To spread the salt, you can use a funnel; if you don’t have one, you can easily make one with a sheet of paper. Create a cone shape with your paper, then close the cone or funnel with your finger!

If you prefer not to use this method, you can place the salt in containers made of natural materials like porcelain or wood. You’ll need several of these since the goal is to position them at each entrance of the house.

If possible, purify the salt, for example, with sage, while setting your protection intentions.

Now you need to place the salt at each entrance of the house: at interior and exterior doors, windows, etc. Simply remove your finger to let the salt flow, creating a line; you don’t need to use a lot.

As you spread the salt, I strongly encourage you to say aloud a phrase calling for protection. For example: “I protect this space; all negative entities, forces, or energies are excluded from this place, access to them is closed. So be it.” While making your incantation, envision a protective barrier forming where you place the salt.

After several days, gather the salt, collect as much as possible, and clean up any residue on the ground. Burn what you have collected, focus on the flames, and imagine all negative energies or other unwanted energies dissolving.

You can conclude your ritual by expressing your gratitude.


This article discusses the magic of stones, emphasizing their protective powers. However, not every stone is suitable for every place!

For me, the black obsidian sphere offers the highest level of protection. I always keep one in my ritual circles and it often sits on my altar. Yet, due to its strong energetic power, it’s not recommended for beginners and should especially be avoided in restful places like the bedroom.

More accessible options include:

  • Tiger’s Eye for openings, preventing malevolent forces from entering your home.
  • Tourmaline is renowned for shielding against phone waves, Wi-Fi routers, and all negative energies.
  • Rose Quartz also aids in protection and is easily placed in a bedroom.
  • Clear Quartz and Amethyst promote harmony and can be placed anywhere.

Similar to using salt, I recommend purifying your stones and recharging them (we’re preparing an article on this topic). You can also set your intention for protection: hold the stone in your hands, focus on what you need it to bring you, as visualization holds significant power in any ritual.


Gather dried lavender, white sage, and a small piece of amethyst or clear quartz. Use a small square of fabric (cotton, jute, or linen – natural materials work best).

Hold each item in your hands, imbuing them with your intention of protection, then place them one by one into the fabric square.

Speak your intention aloud, for example: “My home is protected against all malevolent entities, negative energies, and malicious individuals. So be it.”

Close the fabric square to create a pouch, tie it with a string, and hang it on your front door.

Personal Protection


Take a small cotton bag or a piece of fabric that you can close with an elastic band. Purify the salt with sage and set your intentions for protection.

Protecting a Person


Place sea salt or mountain salt inside the fabric or bag, while saying a phrase that expresses your intention, for example: “May [person’s name] be protected from negative energies, malicious entities or individuals. [Person’s name] is out of reach. So be it.”


To protect individuals, labradorite is particularly effective. It repels negative energies and shields from emotional distress.

Also safe to carry: clear quartz and amethyst, which promote energetic balance.

Obsidian, like for the home, is very potent for personal protection. It’s recommended for use only during rituals and should be avoided for prolonged wear.

As always, remember to cleanse your stone, recharge it regularly, and set your intention.


During a ritual, such as in a circle practice, you can also invite the goddess Eira or your spirit guide, animal totem, or goddess Hecate for protection.

Invite them, prepare an offering such as a crystal or a plant (such as mistletoe).

“Eira, I invite you to protect me from all that is malicious, help strengthen my protective bubble. So be it.”

Present the offering.

“I salute you, celebrate you, honor you, and express my gratitude. Thank you for aiding, protecting, and accompanying me for my well-being and the well-being of all.”


When outdoors without items, you can still perform a protection ritual. Empty your mind and focus on forming a sphere around you, concentrating on its shape and color (gold, pale pink, white, etc.).


If your profession involves giving of yourself, like energy healing, therapy, nursing, grounding can help.

Similar to visualization, imagine roots growing from your feet, penetrating the earth’s layers down to the core. If you believe in Mother Nature, Gaia, envision her light rising from your roots into your body.

This helps protect you energetically and prevents feeling drained at day’s end.

Remember to thank this energy source at day’s end and remove your roots.

Protecting an Object

Light a white candle. Place it in front of the object to protect. Focus on the flame, its warmth, its strength.

Feel the power of fire in your arm and hand, and trace a protection symbol above the object (see the paragraph on symbols below).

Recite aloud a clear and precise request, such as: “I call upon the element of fire to lend its strength in protecting ‘the object.’ By tracing this symbol, I shield ‘the object’ from all harm, causing those who approach to feel the threat of fire. So be it.”

Symbols of Protection

For individuals, objects, or homes, symbols can provide protection. The most powerful symbols include the triskelion, pentacle, and pentagram.

If you are familiar with using sigils, you can also draw them for protection purposes.

Here are a few suggestions:

The goal is to draw these symbols in a room, on a part of the body (using black eyeliner, for example), on a paper to carry with you, or on a container to protect an object. The symbol can also be traced in the air.

Personally, I use the pentacle in each of my circles; I wear it or place it on my altar to protect myself during rituals.

When you draw your symbol, state your intention aloud. You can use phrases suggested in the previous paragraphs.

Protection of the Circle

An article will be dedicated to forming a circle, which for me serves several purposes: protecting you, inviting elements and deities, and focusing energy.

Protection and purification are essential in Wiccan or witchcraft practices, not necessarily for every ritual but certainly crucial when inviting an entity, deity, energy source, or guide.

Daily prayer and meditation can also assist in this regard.

Ritual Objects

Every ritual object should be purified and consecrated. A consecration ritual will be suggested, as it enhances the object’s protective power and what it brings to you.

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